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  • Writer's pictureNikita Stuckey

The beginning

And so it begins, Nikitamyheart is live (Shoutout to Tom-something on tinder for that punny pickup line). I’m Kita, the 19 year old hot mess behind these spirited ramblings.

Honestly, if you’re hoping to be presented with a sugar coated, aesthetically pleasing Santiago-esque feed, you’ll be gravely disappointed. I’m no expert when it comes to activism, influencing or everything in between, and never claim to be. But I hope this little nook in the vast plains of the internet can help raise awareness, and give myself and others a safe space to learn, listen and better ourselves.

From readings, paintings and poetry to protests, public speeches and campaigns, I aim to reach and resonate with as many people as possible. After all, change starts when you hold a mirror up to yourself.


Join me as I navigate this shit show that we call the 21st century, and maybe start a revolution whilst we’re at it ;)

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